



1. Seitelberger R, Schütz W, Raberger G.
Effects of dihydroergotamine (DHE) on blood flow and metabolism in the underperfused myocardium in anaesthetized dogs.
Basic Res Cardiol 1984; 79:461-8.

2. Seitelberger R, Schütz W, Schlappack O, Raberger G.
Evidence against the adenosine-catecholamine antagonism under in vivo conditions.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg`s Arch Pharmacol 1984; 325:234-9.

3. Seitelberger R, Schlappack O, Fasol R, Raberger G.
Comparison of the effects of Dihydroergotamine and Ergonovine on functional changes caused by ß-adrenergic stimulation in normally and underperfused canine myocardium.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1984; 6:384-91.

4. Seitelberger R, Kraupp O, Beck A, Bacher S, Raberger G.
Effects of acylcarnitine-transferase blocking agent Sodium 2(5-(4-Chlorophenyl)-Pentyl)-Oxirane-2-Carboxylate (POCA) on cardiodynamics and myocardial metabolism in dogs.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1984; 6:902-8.

5. Seitelberger R, Raberger G.
A canine model of transient myocardial dysfunction. Regional shortening in the presence of critical stenosis and cardiac stimulation.
J Pharmacol Methods 1984; 12:233-46.

6. Seitelberger R, Kraupp O, Winkler M, Brugger G, Raberger G.
Effects of the acylcarnitine-transferase blocking agent Sodium 2(5-(4-Chlorophenyl)-Pentyl)-Oxirane-2-Carboxylate (POCA) on metabolism and regional function in the underperfused canine myocardium.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1985; 7:273-80

7. Seitelberger R, Raberger G.
Dihydroergotoxine, an ergot alkaloid without marked hypotensive effect, improves blood flow and metabolism in the underperfused canine myocardium.
Basic Res Cardiol 1985; 80:260-8.

8. Seitelberger R, Guth BD, Heusch G, Lee JD, Katayama K, Ross J,Jr.
Intracoronary ?2-adrenergic receptor blockade attenuates ischemia in conscious dogs during exercise.
Circ Res 1988; 62:436-42.

9. Seitelberger R, Zwölfer W, Binder TM, Huber S, Peschl F, Spatt J, Schwarzacher S, Holzinger CH, Coraim F, Weber H, Wolner E.
Infusion of nifedipine after coronary artery bypass grafting decreases the incidence of early postoperative myocardial ischemia.
Ann Thorac Surg 1990; 49:61-8.

10. Seitelberger R, Huber S, Schwarzacher S, Raberger G.
Effects of acylcarnitine transferase blockade on metabolism and function in the normally and underperfused canine myocardium.
J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1990; 28:341-6.

11. Seitelberger R, Zwölfer W, Huber S, Schwarzacher S, Binder TM, Peschl F, Spatt J, Holzinger CH, Podesser B, Buxbaum P, Weber H, Wolner E.
Nifedipine reduces the incidence of myocardial infarction and transient ischemia in patients undergoing coronary bypass grafting.
Circulation 1991; 83:460-8.

12. Podesser B, Schwarzacher S, Zwölfer W, Binder TM, Spatt J, Peschl F, Huber S,
Seitelberger R.
Combined perioperative infusion of nifedipine and metoprolol provides antiischemic protection in patients undergoing aortocoronary bypass surgery
Thorac Cardiovasc Surgeon 1993; 41:173-80.

13. Hannes W, Fasol R, Zajonc H, Schindler M, Schumacher B, Schlosser V,
Seitelberger R.
Diltiazem provides anti-ischemic and anti-arrhythmic protection in patients undergoing coronary bypass grafting.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 1993; 7:239-45.

14. Schlosser V, Wimmer B, Seitelberger R.
Significance of contrast-computed tomography for the surgical indication in symptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Int J Angiol 1993; I:225-229

15. Seitelberger R, Hannes W, Gleichauf M, Keilich M, Christoph M, Fasol R.
Effects of diltiazem on perioperative ischemia, arrhythmias and myocardial function in patients undergoing elective coronary bypass grafting.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1994; 107:811-21.

16. Weiss K, Sterz F, Laggner AN, Wozasek G, Seitelberger R.
Einsatz einer Herz-Lungenmaschine unter Reanimationsbedingungen bei Lungenembolie.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 1994; 8:285-6.

17. Fasol R, Schumacher B, Schlaudraff K, Hauenstein KH, Seitelberger R.
Experimental use of a modified fibrin glue to induce site-directed angiogenesis from the aorta to the heart.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1994; 107:1432-9.

18. Seitelberger R, Hannes W, Fasol R.
Perioperative myocardial protection with continuous infusion of diltiazem in coronary bypass surgery.
Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Annals 1994; 4:174-9.

19. Podesser B, Schwarzacher S, Zwölfer W, Binder TH, Wolner E, Seitelberger R.
Comparison of perioperative myocardial protection with nifedipine versus nifedipine and metoprolol in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 110:1461-9.

20. Podesser B, Schwarzacher S, Zwölfer W, Binder TH, Wolner E, Seitelberger R.
Comparison of perioperative myocardial protection with nifedipine versus nifedipine and metoprolol in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 110:1461-9

21. Seitelberger R.
Minimalinvasive Koronarchirurgie – ein Überblick.
Journal für Kardiologie 1997; 4:7-15.

22. Girsch W, Koller R, Lanmüller H, Rab M, Avanessian R, Schima H, Wolner E,
Seitelberger R.
Experimental development of an electrically stimulated biological skeletal muscle ventricle for chronic aortic counterpulsation.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 1998; 13:78-83.

23. Wild T, Wolfram J, Deckert Z, Seitelberger R.
Transmyocardial Laserrevascularisation: a new method to provide efficient R-wave triggering during mobilisation of the heart.
Acta Chir Austriaca 1999; 31:325-9.

24. Seitelberger R, Wild T, Serbecic N Schwarzacher S, Lassnigg A, Podesser B.
Significance of right bundle branch block in the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 2000; 18:187-93.

25. Lassnigg A, Wutte M, Grubhofer G, Chevchik O, Podesser B, Simon-Kupilik N, Hiesmayr M, Seitelberger R.
Diltiazem versus nitroglycerin for myocardial protection following coronary artery bypass grafting as assessed by dobutamine stress echocardiography.
Wien Klin Wochenschr 2001; 113:439-45.

26. Wild T, Serbecic N, Beutelspacher SC, Ploner M, Deckert Z, Seitelberger R.
Transmyocardial laser revascularization: epicardial ECG detection provides efficient R-wave triggering during mobilization of the heart.
J Clin Laser Med Surg 2003; 21:145-50.

27. Seitelberger R, Bialy J, Rajek M.
Repair of stab-wound laceration of the aortic arch using deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest.
Ann Thorac Surg 2004; 77:703-4.

28. Seitelberger R, Bialy J, Gottardi R, Seebacher G, Moidl R, Mittelböck M, Simon P, Wolner E.
Relation between size of prosthesis and valve gradient: comparison of two aortic bioprosthesis.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 2004; 25:358-63.

29. Seitelberger R, Bialy J, Gottardi R, Wisser W, Wolner E.
Triangular plication of the anterior mitral leaflet: a new operative technique
Ann Thorac Surg 2004; 78:e36-7

30. Seitelberger R, Bialy J, Gottardi R, Lehr S, Wolner E.
Surgical techniques in patients with functional tricuspid valve insufficiency: experience with two reconstructive techniques.
Eur Surg Res 2006; 38:330-7.

31. Gottardi R, Bialy J, Devyatko E, Tschernich H, Czerny M, Wolner E, Seitelberger R.
Midterm follow-up of tricuspid valve reconstruction due to active infective endocarditis.
Ann Thorac Surg 2007; 84:1943-48.


1. Beck A, Seitelberger R, Raberger G.
Effects of Indomethacin on changes in renal blood flow induced by Adenosine and its analogues in conscious dogs.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg`s Arch Pharmacol 1984; 326:75-9.

2. Bacher S, Kraupp O, Beck A, Seitelberger R, Raberger G.
Blood pressure response and release following 4 days of treatment with dihydralazine and urapidil in conscious dogs.
Cardiovasc Res 1984; 18:67-74.

3. Bacher S, Kraupp O, Beck A, Seitelberger R, Raberger G.
Altered blood pressure response to propyldazine after repeated oral administration in conscious normotensive dogs: role of the renin-angiotensin system.
Basic Res Cardiol 1984; 79:588-97.

4. Beck A, Kraupp O, Bacher S, Seitelberger R, Raberger G.
The influence of repeated administration of prazosin on its hypotensive effect and on renin release in conscious dogs. A comparison with urapidil.
Basic Res Cardiol 1984; 79:579-87.

5. Fitscha P, Krumpl G, Seitelberger R, Winkler M, Sinzinger H, Raberger G.
Transient drug-induced myocardial dysfunction is not ameliorated by PGI2 in dogs.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1985; 7:538-43.

6. Lee JD, Tajimi T, Guth BD, Seitelberger R, Miller M, Ross J,Jr.
Exercise-induced regional dysfunction with subcritical coronary stenosis.
Circulation 1986; 73:596-605.

7. Guth BD, Tajimi T, Seitelberger R, Lee JD, Matsuzaki M, Ross J,Jr.
Experimental exercise-induced ischemia: Drug therapy can eliminate regional dysfunction and oxygen supply-demand imbalance.
J Am Coll Cardiol 1986; 7:1036-46.

8. Heusch G, Seitelberger R, Guth BD, Ross J,Jr.
Adrenergic mechanisms in myocardial ischemia.
J Appl Cardiol 1986; 1:125-42.

9. Ross J,Jr, Seitelberger R, Guth BD, Heusch G.
Mechanismen in the modification of experimental exercise-induced ischemia.
Assoc Univers Cardiol, New Orleans 1986; 45-86.

10. Heusch G, Guth BD, Seitelberger R, Ross J,Jr.
Attenuation of exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in dogs with recruitment of coronary vasodilator reserve by nifedipine.
Circulation 1987; 75:482-90.

11. Guth BD, Heusch G, Seitelberger R, Ross J,Jr.
Elimination of exercise-induced myocardial dysfunction by a bradycardic agent in dogs with chronic coronary stenosis.
Circulation 1987; 75:661-9.

12. Heusch G, Guth BD, Roth DM, Seitelberger R, Ross, J,Jr.
Contractile response to sympathetic activation after coronary instrumentation.
Am J Physiol 1987; 252:H1059-69.

13. Zilla P, Fasol R, Hammerle A, Yildiz S, Kadletz M, Laufer G, Wollenek G, Seitelberger R, Deutsch M.
Scanning electron microscopy of circulating platelets reveals new aspects of platelet alteration during cardio-pulmonary bypass operations.
J Tex Heart Inst 1987; 14:13-21.

14. Guth BD, Heusch G, Seitelberger R, Ross J,Jr.
Mechanism of beneficial effect of beta-adrenergic blockade on exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in conscious dogs.
Circ Res 1987; 60:738-46.

15. Katayama K, Tajimi T, Guth BD, Matsuzaki M, Lee JD, Seitelberger R, Peterson KL.
Early diastolic filling dynamics during experimental mitral regurgitation in the conscious dog.
Ciirculation 1988; 78:390-400.

16. Katayama K, Guth BD, Widmann TF, Lee JD, Seitelberger R, Peterson KL.
Temporal Fourier transform of digital angiograms for left ventricular regional wall motion analysis.
Jpn Circ J 1988; 52:606-16.

17. Guth BD, Thaulow E, Heusch G, Seitelberger R, Ross J,Jr.
Myocardial effects of selective alpha-adrenoceptor blockade during exercise in dogs.
Circ Res 1990; 66:1703-12.

18. Laufer G, Laczkovics A, Wollenek G, Seitelberger R, Holzinger CH, Horvath R, Havel M, Wolner E.
The progression of mild cardiac rejection: risk factor analysis.
Transplantation 1991; 51:184-9.

19. Klepetko W, Laufer G, Laczkovics A, Seitelberger R, Müller MR, Wollenek G, Holzinger CH, Wolner E.
Einseitige Lungentransplantation als effektive Therapie beim primärem Lungenemphysem.
Chirurg 1991; 62:271-5.

20. Holzinger CH, Zuckermann A, Laczkovics A, Seitelberger R, Laufer G, Andert S, Kink F, Horvat R, Wolner E.
Monitoring of mononuclear cell subsets isolated from the coronary sinus and the right atrium in patients after heart allograft transplantation.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1991; 102:215-23.

21. Fasol R, Schindler M, Schuhmacher B, Schlaudraff K, Hannes W, Seitelberger R,
Schlosser V.
The influence of obesity on perioperative morbidity: retrospective study of 502 aorto-coronary bypass operations.
Thorac Cardiovasc Surgeon 1992; 40:126-9.

22. Tihan T, Chiba P, Krupicka O, Fritzer M, Seitelberger R, Müller MM.
Serum lipid peroxide levels in the cause of coronary bypass surgery.
Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1992; 30:205-8.

23. Schlaudraff K, Schumacher B, v. Specht BU, Seitelberger R, Schlosse V, Fasol R.
Growth of “new” coronary vascular structures by angiogenetic growth factors.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 1993; 7:637-44.

24. Podesser B, Hausleithner V, Seitelberger R, Wollenek G, Wolner E, Steiert H.
New developments in the isolated working heart. A comparison of neonatal, immature and adult rabbits after sixty minutes of ischemia in respect to hemodynamic and biochemical parameters.
J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods 1993; 30:189-96.

25. Podesser B, Hausleithner V, Wollenek G, Seitelberger R, Wolner E.
Langendorff and ischemia in immature and neonatal myocardia. Two important key words in today´s cardiothoracic research.
Acta Chir Austriaca 1993; 6:434-7.

26. Schlosser V, Fraedrich G, Seitelberger R, Schindler M, Hetzel A.
Combined stenosis of the supra-aortic and coronary arteries: indications for staged vs. simultaneous surgical repair.
Perspectives in Vascular Surgery 1993; 6:1-12.

27. Podesser B, Wollenek G, Windischbauer A, Zegner M, Hausleithner V, Seitelberger R, Losert U, Wolner E.
Myocardial protection with Bretschneider cardioplegic solution – an evaluation of full oxygenation.
Eur Surg Res 1994; 26:133-40.

28. Hannes W, Keilich M, Köster W, Seitelberger R, Fasol R.
Shed blood autotransfusion influences ischemia-sensitive laboratory parameters after coronary operations.
Ann Thorac Surg 1994; 57:1289-94.

29. Podesser B, Wollenek G, Zegner M, Hausleithner V, Seitelberger R, Losert U,
Wolner E.
Hemodynamic and biochemical changes after application of fully oxygenated Bretschneider solution – a study on the isolated working heart.
Cor Europaeum 1994; 3:399-43.

30. Hannes W, Seitelberger R, Christoph M, Keilich M, Kulina C, Holubarsch C, Fasol R.
Effect of perioperative diltiazem on myocardial ischemia and function in patients receiving mammary artery grafts.
Europ Heart J 1995; 16:87-93.

31. Menasche P, Jamieson E, Flameng W, Seitelberger R, Davies M.
Acadesine: A new drug that may improve myocardial protection in coronary artery bypass grafting – Results of the first international multicenter study.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 110:1090-6.

32. Hannes W, Seitelberger R, Fasol R.
Pharmakologische Prävention nach aortokoronarer Bypassoperation.
Deutsches Ärzteblatt 1995; 92:524-7.

33. Mundigler G, Christ G, Kranz A, Seitelberger R, Zehetgruber M, Maurer G,
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Progression from partial to complete papillary muscle rupture in acute myocardial infarction.
Intensiv Care Med 1996; 22:1000-1.

34. Stöllberger C, Seitelberger R, Fenninger CH, Prainer CH, Slany J.
Aneurysm of the left sinus of valsalva: an unusual source of cerebral embolism.
Stroke 1996; 27:1424-6.

35. Girsch W Koller R, Lanmüller H, Seitelberger R, Huber L, Rab M, Schima H, Losert U, Wolner E.
Circulatory support by an electrically stimulated muscle flap. Experimental experiences.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 1996; 28:83-9.

36. Podesser B, Wollenek G, Seitelberger R, Siegel H, Wolner E, Firbas W, Tschabitscher M.
Epicardial branches of the coronary arteries and their distribution in the rabbit heart: The rabbit heart as a model of regional ischemia.
Anatomical Record 1997; 247:521-7.

37. Keilich M, Kulina C, Seitelberger R, Fasol R.
Postoperative follow-up of coronary artery bypass patients receiving calcium antagonist diltiazem.
Internat J Angiol 1997; 6:8-12.

38. Girsch W, Koller R, Lanmüller H, Rab M, Avanessian R, Schima H, Wolner E,
Seitelberger R.
Experimental development of an electrically stimulated biological skeletal muscle ventricle for chronic aortic counterpulsation.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 1998; 13:78-83.

39. Gruber E, Seitelberger R, Mares P, Hiesmayr M.
Ventricular thrombus and subarachnoid bleeding during support with ventricular assist devices.
Ann Thorac Surg 1999; 67:1778-80.

40. Taghavi S, Birsan T, Seitelberger R, Kupilik N, Mares P, Zuckermann A, Klepetko W.
Initial experience with two sequential anterolateral thoracotomies for bilateral lung transplantation.
Ann Thorac Surg 1999; 67:1440-3.

41. Wild T, Wolfram J, Deckert Z, Seitelberger R.
Transmyocardial Laserrevascularisation: a new method to provide efficient R-wave triggering during mobilisation of the heart.
Acta Chir Austriaca 1999; 31:325-9.

42. Lanmüller H, Girsch W, Rab M, Sauermann R, Kamolz LP, Seitelberger R, Wolner E.
Preparation of a skeletal muscke ventricle in sheep: severe damage to the latissimus dorsi muscle due to mobilization before preconditioning.
Eur Surg Res 2000; 32:129-34.

43. Kröner A, Seitelberger R, Schirnhofer J, Bernecker O, Mallinger R, Hallström S, Ploner M, Podesser B.
Diltiazem during reperfusion preserves high energy phosphates by protection of mitochondrial integrity.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 2002; 21:224-23.

44. Wisser W, Khazen C, Deviatko E, Seitelberger R, Wolner E.
Microwave and radiofrequency ablation yield similar success rates for treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation.
Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 2004; 25:1011-7.

45. Ninet J, Roques X, Seitelberger R, Deville C, Pomar JL, Robin J, Jegaden O, Wellens F, Wolner E, Vedrinne C, Gottardi R, Orrit J, Billes MA, Hoffmann DA, Cox J, Champseur CL.
Surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation with off-pump, epicardial, high-intensity focused ultrasound: Results of a multicenter trial.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005; 130:803-9.

46. An alternative approach in treating an aortic arch aneurysm with an anatomic variant by supraaortic reconstruction and stent-graft placement.
Gottardi R, Seitelberger R, Zimpfer D, Lammer J, Wolner E, M. Grimm, Czerny M.
J Vasc Surg 2005; 42:357-60.

47. Podesser B, Gottardi R, Seitelberger R, Hallström S.
Nitric Oxide in Cardiac Transplantation.
Vascular Disease Prevention 2005; 2:77-85.

48. Aigner C, Stix G, Schmidinger H, Seitelberger R, Wolner E, Wisser W.
Die MAZE-Operation zur Behandlung des chronischen Vorhofflimmerns im Langzeitverlauf: 3-Jahres-Ergebnisse.
J Kardiol 2005; 12:279-81.

49. Tschernich H, Seitelberger R, Hiesmayr M.
Untersuchung der Klappenfunktion nach Mitralklappen-Rekonstruktion.
Intensivmed 2005; 42:683-96.

50. Schuster I, Graf S, Klaar U, Seitelberger R, Mundigler G, Binder T.
Heterogeneity of traumatic injury of the tricuspid valve: a report of four cases.
Wien Klin Wochenschr 2008; 120:499-503.

51. Szerafin T, Hoetzenecker K, Hacker S, Horvath , ollreisz A, Arpad P, Mangold A, Wliszczak T, Dworschak M, Seitelberger R, Wolner E, Ankersmit HJ.
Heat shock proteins 27, 60, 70, 90alpha, and 20S proteasome in on-pump versus off-pump coronary artery bypass graft patients.
Ann Thorac Surg 2008; 85:87-8.

52. Hoetzenecker K, Ankersmit HJ, Bonderman D, Hoetzenecker W, Seitelberger R, Klepetko W, Lang IM.
Atrial septal defect repair after a 10-month treatment with bosentan in a patient with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension: a case report.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009; 138:785-786.

53. Gottardi R, Czerny M, Seitelberger R Invited commentary. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Jan;93(1):114-5

54. Chirurgische Entfernung eines ASD Occluder Device nach Dislokation in die aorta ascendens
J. Steindl, R. Baier, C. Dinges, N. Taheri, C. Schreiber, R. Seitelberger
European Surgery 2013, Volume 45, Supplement 2-13, P37

55. Localized aortic wall ulceration following combined chemotherapy with bevacizumab and local hyperthermia in a patient with non-small cell lung cancer
N. Taheri, C. Dinges, C.Schreiber, J. Steindl, R. Baier, J. Schneider, M. Resetar, D. Neureiter, R. Seitelberger
European Surgery 2013, Volume 45, Supplement 2-13, P095

56. Initial experience of aortic root reconstruction using a modified Yacoub procedure
J. Steindl, C. Schreiber, N. Taheri, C. Dinges, J. Schneider, M. Resetar, R. Gottardi, R. Krausler, R. Baier, R. Seitelberger
European Surgery 2013, Volume 45, Supplement 2-13, P105

57. ECMO support via the subclavian artery in patients with perioperative heart failure
C. Schreiber, R. Gottardi, J. Steindl, N. Taheri, C. Dinges, J. Schneider, M. Resetar, B. Bacher, M. Lux, M, Dünser, R. Seitelberger
European Surgery 2013, Volume 45, Supplement 2-13, P220

58. Ulcerated aortic wall aneurysm following chemotherapy with bevacizumab and local hyperthermia in a 69 year-old patient with non-small cell lung cancer. A case report
N. Taheri, D. Neureiter, J. Steindl, C. Schreiber, M. Resetar, J. Schneider, C. Dinges, R. Baier, R. Gottardi, R. Krausler, D. Neureiter, R. Seitelberger
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 2013, Volume 125, Supplement 01/13, V-6

59. Long-term absolute and relative survival after aortic valve replacement: a prospective cohort study. Lassnigg A, Hiesmayr M, Frantal S, Brannath W, Mouhieddine M, Presterl E, Isetta C, Bachmann LM, Andreas M, Seitelberger R, Schmidlin D Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2013 Nov;30(11):695-703

60. Tezosentan and right ventricular failure in patients with pulmonary hypertension undergoing cardiac surgery: the TACTICS trial. Denault AY, Pearl RG, Michler RE, Rao V, Tsui SS, Seitelberger R, Cromie M, Lindberg E, D’Armini AM J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2013 Dec;27(6):1212-7. Epub 2013 Mar 21

61. Establishment of Extracorporeal Circulation under Local Anesthesia in a Patient with an Acute Type A Aortic Dissection Complicated by Cardiac Tamponade. Gottardi R, Resetar M, Strassl O, Bacher B, Taheri N, Schreiber C, Steindl J, Seitelberger R Aorta (Stamford). 2014 Aug 1;2(4):152-5. eCollection 2014 Aug

62. Concomitant femoro-femoral bypass graft during surgery for acute type A dissection to treat lower limb malperfusion. Gottardi R, Resetar M, Bacher B, Freilibs E, Taheri N, Steindl J, Schreiber C, Seitelberger R Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Jan;99(1):307-9

63. First experience with the new Sorin Crown PRT bioprosthetic aortic valve: early postoperative outcome and hemodynamic performance in 90 patients. Pollari F, Dinges C, Vogt F, Sirch J, Pfeiffer S, Seitelberger R, Fischlein T, Santarpino G J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2015 Dec;56(6):939-43. Epub 2015 Sep 29

64. The sutureless aortic valve at 1 year: A large multicenter cohort study. Fischlein T, Meuris B, Hakim-Meibodi K, Misfeld M, Carrel T, Zembala M, Gaggianesi S, Madonna F, Laborde F, Asch F, Haverich A; CAVALIER Trial Investigators J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Jun;151(6):1617-1626

65. Clinical and haemodynamic outcomes in 658 patients receiving the Perceval sutureless aortic valve: early results from a prospective European multicentre study (the Cavalier Trial). Laborde F, Fischlein T, Hakim-Meibodi K, Misfeld M, Carrel T, Zembala M, Madonna F, Meuris B, Haverich A, Shrestha M; Cavalier Trial Investigators Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2016 Mar;49(3):978-86. Epub 2015 Aug 4

66. Evidence-based Surgery of Aortic Regurgitation: Results of a Questionnaire in German-speaking Countries. Dinges C, Steindl J, Hitzl W, Kiesslich T, Seitelberger R Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 Mar 4. (Epub ahead of print)

67. Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava Draining Into the Left Atrium Found During Bypass Operation Schreiber C, Kirnbauer M, Hoellinger R, Seitelberger R, Gottardi R Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Feb;103(2):e161-e162


• First / Last Author

1. Seitelberger R, Guth BD, Heusch G, Ross J,Jr.
Alpha-2 adrenergic coronary constriction in ischemic myocardium during exercise.
Basic Res Cardiol 1990; 85(Suppl 1):207-17.

2. Podesser B, Schwarzacher S, Zwölfer W, Binder TM, Spatt J, Peschl F, Huber S, Wolner E, Seitelberger R.
Perioperative infusion of nifedipine and metoprolol provides antiischemic and antiarrhythmic protection in patients undergoing elective aortocoronary bypass surgery.
J Cardiovasc Surg 1994; 35(Suppl 1):233-5.

3. Podesser B, Hannes W, Fasol R, Seitelberger R.
Utilidad del diltiazem intravenoso en la cirurgia del bypass coronaria.
Drugs of Today 1995; 31(Suppl 1): 23-30.

4. Wipplinger G, Schima H, Rab M, Girsch W, Haslik W, Kamolz LP, Windberger W, Sauermann S, Lanmüller H, Koller R, Seitelberger R.
Computermodell des Kreislaufsystems mit einem Skelettmuskelventrikel zur Herzmuskelunterstützung.
Biomedizinische Technik 1998; 43(Suppl 2):96-8.

5. Seitelberger R, Wild T, Röthy W, Wolfram J.
Transmyocardial Laserrevascularisation with a Holmium-Yag Laser: Clinical experience.
Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 1998; 91(Suppl III):145-52.

6. Wild T, Wolfram J, Röthy W, Deckert Z, Grimm M, Seitelberger R.
Transmyocardial Laser-revascularisation: A new method to provide efficient R-wave triggering during mobilisation of the heart.
Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 1998; 91(Suppl III):152-8.

7. Seitelberger R, Wild T, Chevchik O, Kupilik N, Podesser B, Skyllouriotis P, Vukovich T, Lassnigg A.
Antiischemic efficacy of diltiazem in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography immediately after coronary artery bypass surgery.
Drugs of Today 1999; 35(Suppl. B):11-6

8. Seitelberger R, Wolner E.
Replacement of the aortic valve and ascending aorta with an extended root stentless xenograft (invited commentary).
Ann Thorac Surg 2004; 78:2153.

• Co – Author

1. Guth BD, Heusch G, Seitelberger R, Matsuzaki M, Ross J, Jr.
Role of heart rate reduction in the treatment of exercise-induced myocardial ischemia.
Eur Heart J 1987; 8(Suppl):61-8.

2. Guth BD, Thaulow E, Heusch G, Seitelberger R, Ross J,Jr.
Alpha-adrenergic regulation of myocardial performance in the exercising dog: Evidence for both, presynaptic alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors.
Basic Res Cardiol 1990; 85(Suppl 1):131-41.

3. Guth BD, Indolfi C Heusch G, Seitelberger R, Ross J,Jr.
Mechanisms of benefit in the ischemic myocardium due to heart rate reduction.
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